Pine Trees Under Starry Night Sky

8:30 AM -1 PM

Brush Stroke

Summer VBS

Join us at OLQW

August 19-23, 2024

Welcome back to Our Lady Queen of the World’s annual summer Vacation Bible School camp! Gear up as we get ready to embark on a new camping adventure filled with courage and faith as we explore the wonders of God’s creations.

Though camping might be challenging at times, by learning about the great things many Bible story figures were able to do through their faith in God, the theme of courage will help our campers learn to face their fears through their trust in God. With fun Bible stories, arts and crafts, science activities, snacks, music, and more, the VBS program continues to be a great way for kids to learn more about their faith through various activities..

Our Lady Queen of the World

August 19-23, 2024

8:30 am - 1pm.

JK to Grade 6


Deadline to register for the camp or volunteering is August 4.